Bible Studies and Small Groups at Grace
Monday Prayer Time @ 6:30pm: in the church foyer. Open to anyone and led by Pastor Jess. Contact-
Monday Bible 101 Class @6:30pm: in the adult classroom. Brian Hough.
Monday Bible 301 Class @ 6:30pm: in the youth room. Diana Hough.
Wed. Women’s Bible Study @ 9am: meets in the youth room. A book by book study of the bible for women led by Shirley Thornton. Contact-
Wed. Awana Club @ 6pm: ages 3yrs-6th grade meets in the children's classroom. AWANA is a fun, Bible-centered program where kids will build a strong foundation in God's Word, enjoy games, activities, and new friendships, and grow in their faith and confidence.
Wed. Youth Group @ 6pm: 7th-12th grade meets in youth room. Grace Youth meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights. Wednesday nights the youth are welcome to come early at 5:30pm to eat pizza and hangout before youth begins at 6pm. They do a lesson, small group discussions, and play games. Contact-
Friday Men’s Breakfast Group @ 7am: Jalisco's in FB on SPID. Group of men that meet weekly to support and encourage each other and eat breakfast. Contact- Doug Harris (361) 331-7330
Saturday Men and Women’s Bible Study @ 9am: 4101 Flour Bluff Dr. A group that enjoys breakfast together and bible study. Contact- Rick and Jennifer Welp: 361-877-2903
Follow us on instagram to stay up to date: @gracecommunitycc
Contact us if you have any questions!
Monday Bible 101 Class @6:30pm: in the adult classroom. Brian Hough.
Monday Bible 301 Class @ 6:30pm: in the youth room. Diana Hough.
Wed. Women’s Bible Study @ 9am: meets in the youth room. A book by book study of the bible for women led by Shirley Thornton. Contact-
Wed. Awana Club @ 6pm: ages 3yrs-6th grade meets in the children's classroom. AWANA is a fun, Bible-centered program where kids will build a strong foundation in God's Word, enjoy games, activities, and new friendships, and grow in their faith and confidence.
Wed. Youth Group @ 6pm: 7th-12th grade meets in youth room. Grace Youth meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights. Wednesday nights the youth are welcome to come early at 5:30pm to eat pizza and hangout before youth begins at 6pm. They do a lesson, small group discussions, and play games. Contact-
Friday Men’s Breakfast Group @ 7am: Jalisco's in FB on SPID. Group of men that meet weekly to support and encourage each other and eat breakfast. Contact- Doug Harris (361) 331-7330
Saturday Men and Women’s Bible Study @ 9am: 4101 Flour Bluff Dr. A group that enjoys breakfast together and bible study. Contact- Rick and Jennifer Welp: 361-877-2903
Follow us on instagram to stay up to date: @gracecommunitycc
Contact us if you have any questions!
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